Paper #43. AI-assisted Confrontational-Physical Strategies: Human-directed Savant X Seeker
June 14, 2021
Thomas A. Drohan, Ph.D., Brig Gen USAF ret.
Commercial, Cyber, Leadership, Security, Strategy
Continuing our march through the eight basic combinations of strategy introduced in Paper #39 (The Strategy Cuboid), we focus on confrontational-physical competitions (preventive and causative). We‘ll use Savant X Seeker’s hyper-dimensional relationship analysis as a research assistant. The text corpus continues to expand as I add more curated reports and articles. The sample, however, is…
Paper # 27. Aggregates, Supply Chains & Influence Maneuvers: Synthesis for Competition and Warfare
July 13, 2020
Thomas A. Drohan, Ph.D., Brig Gen USAF ret.
All Analysis and Planning, Asia-Pacific, Commercial, Cyber, Middle East & North Africa, Strategy
Synthesis combines separate reactants into a new whole, releasing energy. In our highly interactive information environment, this process ranges from rules-based competition to totalitarian warfare.
Paper #25. Supply Chain Competition & Warfare I: Fundamentals of Advantage
May 20, 2020
Thomas A. Drohan, Ph.D., Brig Gen USAF ret.
Asia-Pacific, Commercial, Cyber, Eurasia, Strategy
Supply chains are vital to socio-economic well-being and military success. They have become arenas where authoritarians wage complex warfare while democracies compete with inferior strategies.
Paper #12. Time to Recreate Effective Competitive Advantage: Strategy, Technology and Information
October 29, 2019
Thomas A. Drohan, Ph.D., Brig Gen USAF ret.
Commercial, Leadership, Strategy
In 1983, Project Socrates began as a Reagan initiative to develop technology-driven competitive advantage. Then it ended.
Paper #11. China’s All-Effects All-Domain Strategy in an All-Encompassing Information Environment
October 11, 2019
Thomas A. Drohan, Ph.D., Brig Gen USAF ret.
Asia-Pacific, Strategy
The essence of Chinese strategy consists of waging complex wars that exploit opponents’ expectations of warfare. The operational design creates preventative and causative effects that blend confrontation with cooperation, imposing dilemmas on opponents. Such asymmetric effects win wars via information that changes opponents’ behavior.