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Note #23. Net Assessment and JADC2: A Step Toward All-Effects Warfare?
Net Assessment The purpose of net assessment is to gain an asymmetric advantage over competitors. US goals generally seek technological
Paper #45. AI-assisted Psychological Strategies: Human-directed Critical Thinking to Disarm Theocratic Strategy
This article completes our series on AI-assisted strategy, but with a stronger emphasis on combined effects. I use the language
Paper #44. China’s Belt and Road Initiative as Combined-Effect Strategy: How Democracies Can Compete
ICSL Paper #41 developed “concepts of influence,” a critical component to effective strategy. Concepts of influence are the ways and
Paper #43. AI-assisted Confrontational-Physical Strategies: Human-directed Savant X Seeker
Continuing our march through the eight basic combinations of strategy introduced in Paper #39 (The Strategy Cuboid), we focus on
Paper #42. AI-assisted Cooperative-Physical Strategies: Human-directed Insights from Savant X Seeker
The Strategy Cuboid introduced in Paper #39 offers eight basic combinations of strategy in three dimensions: cooperative-confrontational; psychological-physical; and preventive-causative.
Paper #41. Concepts of Influence: Critical to Strategy and Human Control of Artificial Intelligence
Strategy for dynamic end-states must be multi-dimensional to be competitive in the information environment (ICSL Note #22). If operations are
Note #22. Multi-Dimensional Strategy for Dynamic End-States: A Realistic Framework, An Application from China, and Recommendations for Strategists
There is nothing static about an “end-state“ because it’s defined in terms of conditions, which are always changing. Strategy needs
Paper #40. How to Expand our Truncated “Operational” Approach to Warfare: Integrate Information as Operations
Information is foundational to competitive strategy because it permeates technology and cognition in all dimensions. We need to integrate information
Paper #39. Information Intelligence & Assessment for All-Effects Warfare: A Competition that Subsumes Combined Arms & Deterrence
Our previous paper offered an assessable definition of “information“ to address two persistent problems in US security strategy: (1) the
Paper #38. What “Talk-Fight” Ideologues Understand About Warfare: All-Domain, All-Effects in the Information Environment.
Prevailing in an operational environment does not matter if one loses in the information environment. Vietnam Workers Party nationalists understood
Paper #37. The Strategy Cuboid: Elements, Dimensions, and Targets in the Global Information Environment
The need for a comprehensive approach to strategy that’s relevant to the global information environment is made clear by recent
Note #21. Narratives as Social Strategies in the Information Environment
Narratives present advantages in any conflict because they influence resolve and if ignored, can reverse operational victories. What are they?
Paper #36. Commanding & Controlling the OODA Loop: Iran’s Narrative Strategy
This paper applies a narrative weaponization model to decision making (Observe, Orient, Decide and Act), using Iranian disinformation. Papers 23
Note #20. Iraq & Iran: Agile Strategies or More Missteps?
As in Note #19, this thought-piece refers to agile strategies as those that can adjust ends, ways and means. Missteps
Note #19. Afghanistan: The Need for Strategic Agility, Not Missteps.
Agile strategies are able to change in all three definitional dimensions—ends, ways and means. Missteps are changes without strategic advantage.
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